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Get back on track from the pandemic!

With a global pandemic upon us for the last couple of months, we are looking at how to overcome the effects of our changed lifestyles. Gyms are closed and we are asked to stay home, not to mention the many other things that have caused us to feel stressed and turn to what brings us comfort...

Get back on track from the pandemic!

With a global pandemic upon us for the last couple of months, we are looking at how to overcome the effects of our changed lifestyles. Gyms are closed and we are asked to stay home, not to mention the many other things that have caused us to feel stressed and...

Alternatives for the Top 5 Most Common Simple Carbs

Pastries, white bread, soda, candy bars, pasta… just a small sample of the foods we often crave.  Why do we daydream about chocolate chip cookies or a bowl of linguine?  Because they are full of simple carbs — sugars that quickly satisfy that biochemical desire for sweet. What it breaks...

How to Develop a Vision for Success

A few months ago, I picked up a book called “Double Double” by Cameron Herold (and, no, it is not the story of Canada’s favourite donut shop). The book is for CEOs and business leaders — about doubling revenue and profit in a short period of time. …And you are...

Steps to Keeping Your Liver Healthy

Why is your liver so incredibly important? It is the front line organ for filtering out your body’s toxins.  It is also responsible for balancing your hormones and preventing cancers linked to hormones. I would guess that most people think that liver problems come from a very toxic lifestyle — usually...

Healthy Breakfast Solutions

I have been told for as long as I can remember that a well-balanced breakfast is the best way to start your day.  We have all seen stats on kids who don’t eat a good breakfast before running out the door to school and, we all know what it feels...

Excuses Be Gone!

My kids are really great at making excuses.  The minute that either of them thinks they did something wrong, the situation automatically becomes about what piece of the issue was completely out of their control.  And it makes me crazy.  But…. guess what? I do it too.  And I think...

Developing a Clean Eating Lifestyle

You might think that clean eating is another diet gimmick. Or it might just sound like more work in the kitchen.  Not really… clean eating is simply eliminating the processed stuff.  It is about making food from scratch and eating foods in their natural state rather than relying on prepared/packaged foods...

Apps for Your Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy living is a full time commitment to your health and it impacts all your major decisions.Do I take the stairs or elevator? What should I pack for lunch?Where do we go for supper?Should I ride my bike or drive to work/school?How do I fit in a workout today?  There...

How to Keep Your Skin Healthy

This time of year can be especially hard on your skin.  The weather starts to change and brings along with it dryness and irritation. You skin can become red and itchy, and breakouts can occur. Here are a few tips to help keep your skin soft and smooth during the...

Help for Seasonal Depression

Winter can seem long — especially when you live north of the 49th parallel.  And, come January, it can sometimes feel like you are in it for the long haul.  Especially if you suffer from seasonal depression.    To help combat the winter slump, here are a few things that...

Hitting Your Digestive Restart Button

Cleansing your body is a great way to get rid of unwanted toxins that can get stored in the intestines and in certain organs.  The body needs a break from the onslaught of *stuff* that gets put into it everyday...

How high is Self-Care on your To Do list?

Self-Care for some people can be a challenge because they find so much joy in taking care of others. It can come at a cost but it’s never to late to start! Since October is breast cancer awareness month we want to end the month on a positive note, with...