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What must I do before a Colon Hydrotherapy treatment?
- Eat the following foods during the 24 hours before and after your colonic, cooked food is preferred over raw food for this period:
- Sugar: None allowed, honey –very sparingly
- Artificial & Herbal Sweeteners: Stevia (herbal sweetener), monk fruit
- Fruit: Avocados, green apples, berries, lemons, limes, fresh coconut, tomatoes, tomatillo
- Meat: Most meats, including fish, poultry and beef; (wild or range-fed sources are best), lean pork in moderation (cooked well), bone broth
- Eggs: Yes, all types
- Dairy: Butter, plain yogurt (organic is best); sparingly:cream cheese, organic unsweetened whip cream and sour cream Vegetables: Asparagus, artichoke, bamboo shoots, beet greens, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, collards, cucumber, eggplant, fennel, garlic, green beans, kale, leafy greens, lemon grass, okra, onion, peppers (color in moderation), radish, rhubarb, sprouts like alfalfa and beans, sea vegetables, spaghetti squash, spinach, turnip, zucchini. Carrots in moderation. Organic is best. Freshly made vegetable juices with ginger
- Beverages: Bottled or filtered water; non-fruity herbal teas; stevia-sweetened fresh lemonade or limeade; almond drink (unsweetened), organic tea and coffee (max 2 cups), Pau D’arco and rooibos tea
- Grains: Quinoa, amaranth, millet & buckwheat, wild rice
- Yeast Products: None allowed
- Vinegars: Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, and black olives not aged in vinegar; replace soy sauce with fermented soy seasoning such as Braggs.
- Oils: Olive, avocado, grapeseed, flax, and virgin coconut oils (cold-pressed is best)
- Nuts & seeds: Raw nuts/seeds, including pecans, macadamia, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, brazil, chia, flax, hemp
- Please fast for 2 hours before your colonic, nothing to eat or drink.
- Take your medication as normal.
- During the 2 hours leading up to your appointment, do some deep breathing