PREPARATION: You will need to fast for two hours prior to your appointment, drinking ONLY WATER during this time. No coffee, no tea. You can take your medications as per usual.
If you have young children try your best to have them fast for the full time and bring a snack for your child to eat after the analyst takes the drop of blood. If they must snack have them eat a tiny bit of cucumber, broccoli, celery, blueberries or blackberries.
- INITIAL VISIT FORM - PDF DOWNLOAD If this is your first visit or it has been over a year since your last visit, this is the form you need to fill out.
- RECAP VISIT FORM - PDF DOWNLOAD If this is a follow-up visit and you have seen Grant within a year, this is the form you need to fill out.
PREPARATION: You will have to dress appropriately for the appointment. There are three components of the treatment to consider. See below.
• Pulsed ElectricoMagnetic Frequency: Natural fibers allow for the best conduction of electrons.
• Exercise With Oxygen Therapy: You will get sweaty. Bring loose clothing suitable for exercise.
• Red Light Therapy: You will want to expose as much skin as possible to the light.
If you can find clothing that fits all the criteria you will move through the components better, however, you will be in a private room and there is opportunity to change if needed.
You will need to fill out the Waiver when you arrive or bring it with you.
PREPARATION: All appointments except the Cranial/Dental/Thyroid need to read the Breast Pre-Exam instructions which concern the 24 hours preceding the appointment.
- INTAKE - BREAST INITIAL If you have never come for a breast exam at our clinic, this is the form you need to fill out.
- INTAKE - BREAST RECAP If you have come for a Breast exam at our clinic at any other time you can fill out this form.
- INTAKE - CRANIAL, DENTAL OR THYROID If you are adding a Breast exam with this exam you will need to fill out both forms.
- INTAKE - TOTAL BODY You will need also need to fill out a Breast and a Cranial/Dental/Thyroid Intake Form above.